Black Mold Removal: 7 DIY Techniques

Black mold is something that almost everyone encounters in their lifetime. Black mold can pose a serious risk to your home and family. Black mold can cause skin irritations, congestion, and even asthma-related issues.

To avoid any damage to your home or health, it is important to get rid of any mold infestations as soon as possible. When cleaning, make sure you are wearing gloves and a respirator. You should ventilate your work area and kill black mold, as some of the chemicals can be toxic indoors.

Here are the top 7 ways to get rid of black mold in your home.
Tea Tree Oil
Baking soda
Hydrogen Peroxide
Grapefruit Seed Extract

Black Mold Removal with Ammonia

When working with ammonia-based cleaning products, always wear gloves and a respirator. Never mix ammonia with chlorine bleach.

Ammonia is an effective disinfectant and kills molds on porous surfaces like counters, sinks, or shower doors.

Ammonia, which is also known as bleach, does not penetrate and kill porous surfaces like tile, wood, or particle boards. These types of materials are susceptible to mold. You need a solution that can penetrate the root.

You can find other mold agents that are more effective and less harmful to the environment. Baking soda and vinegar are good alternatives.

Here are the facts if you decide to use ammonia.

To get fresh air, open windows and doors near you

Combine ammonia and water in a 1:1 ratio

Use a spray nozzle to pour the mixture into a glass bottle

Spray all affected areas with a sprayer and allow to sit for five to ten minutes

Use a small brush to scrub the moldy area and then wipe it clean.

Continue to do so as necessary.

Bleach for Black Mold Removal

As we have already mentioned, bleach is not effective on porous materials like grout (unsealed), cements, woods, and so forth.

It’s extremely effective against porous surfaces and can kill nearly all types of molds upon contact.

The bleach will not penetrate the roots of molds if it is on porous surfaces. It actually leaves behind moisture, creating an ideal environment for mold growth.

Do not mix bleach with ammonia or vinegar.

The reaction of bleach to vinegar is toxic and can result in the release of chlorine gas, which is very harmful if inhaled.

There are other mold solutions available that are more effective at removing porous surfaces, and less harmful to the environment.

Baking soda and vinegar are good alternatives.

Here are the facts if you decide to use bleach.

To get fresh air, open windows and doors near you

Mix one cup bleach with no less than 1 gallons of water.

Use a spray nozzle to pour the mixture into a glass bottle

Spray all affected areas with a sprayer and allow to sit for five to ten minutes

Use a sponge or bristled toothbrush to scrub and then wipe clean.

A HEPA filter vacuum can be used to cover larger areas.

Do not clean the area. Let the bleach work its magic to kill the mold.

Continue to do so as necessary.

Tea Tree Oil and Black Mold Removal

Treating molds with tree oil offers many benefits over using toxic and corrosive chemicals.

It is a natural fungicide which kills mold spores and eliminates mildew odors from your home.

It is a good cleaner as well as a prevention agent.

Tea tree oil should not be swallowed. If swallowed, it can be toxic.

Here are some ways to use it.

Mix 1 cup water and 1 tsp tea tree oil in a small bowl

Mix the ingredients well and pour into a spray bottle

Cleanse the affected area.

You can use a towel to dampen the area if you don’t own a sprayer.

Use the bathroom faucets and handles to prevent water from getting into your bathroom.

Baking Soda is a great way to get rid of black mold

Baking soda is another great option to eliminate black molds. This will also satisfy your lungs.

It not only removes odors from bathrooms, refrigerators and basements but also helps prevent them!

Mix baking soda and water 50/50 to make a paste.

Apply the paste to the affected areas.

After drying, use a brush to scrub.

If you need to clean larger areas, use a HEPA vacuum

Use 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda in 2 cups of water for smaller areas.

Follow the same steps as above. Let dry, then scrub off.

If necessary, apply again

Hydrogen Peroxide for Black Mold Removal

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most effective ways to kill bacteria and spores. It is extremely cost-effective and efficient so I vote for it!

Hydrogen peroxide is not compatible with bleach or ammonia. It can be used on surfaces that aren’t porous, such as woods and cements.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to bleach clothing and cause different colors.

This is how it’s used for black mold application

Mix 2 parts water with 1 part 3% hydrogenperoxide.

Place solution into a spray bottle

Let dry the affected areas for five to ten minutes after applying the cream.

Wipe clean let dry

If necessary, apply again

Grapefruit Seed Extract to Get Rid of Black Mold

This natural alternative can be used in a similar way to tea tree oil. It is non-toxic, disinfects and deodorizes and keeps everyone safe.

After being wiped away, the acids in the extract continue to penetrate the mold and prevent it from returning.

Grapefruit seed extract can be used to prevent cancer. Grapefruit seed extract is acceptable for daily or weekly use.

Grapefruit seed extract has one drawback: it is expensive. It is more expensive than other methods. This product is usually found in health food stores under the vitamins and supplement section.

How to get rid black mold using grapefruit seed extract

Mix 10 drops of the extract in a cup water.

Spray the solution in a spray bottle. Make sure to evenly mist any areas that are contaminated.

Allow the cleaning solution air dry for at least 5-10 min.

For deeper stains, you can leave it to soak for up an hour.

Remove any remaining mold and clean up

Rinse the application well

If necessary, apply again

Vinegar for Black Mold Removal

Vinegar can be used inside your home for a low cost and is safe. Vinegar is mildly anti-bacterial and smelly so it will not cause any mold growth.

The smell will disappear in a matter of hours, so don’t panic!

Vinegar is an eco-friendly and low-cost alternative to bleach or ammonia.

Here’s how it works:

Spray or pour vinegar onto the affected areas. You don’t need to mix anything. Use a brush and a rag to clean it.

If the mixture is not working, add baking soda or hydrogen peroxide.

If the mold contamination is too severe to manage, call a mold remediation firm to assist.