The Frugal Mom’s Guide to the World

Not only am i an entrepreneur, but I’m also stay-at-home mom. You can’t take the mompreneur out of mompreneur. Although I enjoy working from home, it is not all fun and games. Even though they are nine years old, my daughters don’t get the concept of “leave us alone”. I’m always on the phone or computer. We are always wondering what my daughters should do with their free time as summer approaches.

Many of the frugal living ideas of my mom have been passed on from my dad and mom, who were the absolute parody of living with. My parents weren’t business owners, and were often unemployed. They were able to live on social assistance pennies and became extremely talented. This is something I disagree with.

Robert, my husband is another master of frugality. Robert is a financial representative and accountant who sees people’s finances every day. He has discovered that many people are too generous with their money and end up in financial trouble.

Frugal Mom’s Guide to the World is full of ideas, but you have to decide what you are willing to accept. Everyone has their own ideas about what they need and what they want.

Frugal Mom’s #1 Idea

Only buy what you really need. It’s simple enough, yet many of us are seduced. Advertising companies are skilled at manipulating us through emotion, behavior, colors and many other tactics. They seem to understand what we want more than we do.

Frugal Mom’s #2 Idea

Every month, pay off your credit card. A credit card that earns you miles to fly is a good option if you feel capable. These cards have a higher interest rate so you should pay them off promptly. To receive points towards airline tickets, our family charges all purchases to our credit card. We get several tickets free of charge each year for purchases that we wouldn’t have made otherwise.

Frugal Mom’s #3 Idea

Living below your means is a good idea. My husband and me live in an older home, have a basic car and don’t lead extravagant lives. My jeans are ripped (it’s still in fashion), and my husband only owns one pair (aside from his suits). Can we afford more? We sure can. Other things are more important to us: saving money, private school, family vacations, and other things. We don’t feel the need to buy more stuff. We are content and don’t need anyone to tell us otherwise.

Frugal Mom’s Idea #4

Pay attention to nickel and diming. What does this signify? Starbucks is my favorite place to get coffee. It is amazing to me that this concept exists. The premise of coffee has been around for centuries and this business is so successful. You can make your own coffee at home, or buy Starbucks from the grocery store. People want to spend more, and they’d rather go to the store to meet the friendly staff. Consider how much money you could save if you stopped buying a latte every morning.

These are just a few of the many items that I have mentioned. The list could go on. There are many ways to save money and be more financially independent. Every day we are being controlled by media and corporations. They want us to purchase their products. Really.